Advanced Animal Science Class
Roland-Story Agriculture Department

Sample Quia Quiz using log-in

Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal (ASA) is a foundational level course where students explore the world of animal agriculture
and develop a management guide for an animal of their choice. Areas of study include history and domestication, handling and behavior,
anatomy and physiology, nutrition, reproduction, genetics, health, selection, and marketing. Class Syllabus

Units of Study with overview of unit -- Canvas Log-in

Unit 1-- Worlds of Opportunity

This lesson provides opportunities for students to discuss products that are derived from animals and to learn more about career opportunities in animal agriculture. The world of animal agriculture is far reaching and students may find a range of potential careers that fit their interests and strengths. These careers may be something as introductory as a stable hand moving up in knowledge, expertise, and education to specialized fields, such as a horse trainer, farrier, racing steward, and equine nutritionist.

Unit 2 -- History and Use
of Animals

In this lesson, students explore the factors that allow species to be domesticated as well as trace the history of a specific domesticated animal. The domestication and continued development of farm animals allows livestock producers of today to feed a growing world population.

Unit 3 -- Animal Handling and Safety

In this lesson, students explore animal welfare and animal handling issues related to the care and production of animals. Students are encouraged to reflect upon their personal beliefs and the values of others, relate those beliefs and values to their own thinking, and learn to express their views in a non-confrontational manner.

Unit 4 -- Cells and Tissues

The exploration of animal cells in this lesson will provide students an opportunity to learn each cell part and begin to understand the contribution a cell makes to the function of an animal. By the conclusion of the lesson, students will understand the function of cell parts and the means by which cells produce energy.

Unit 5 -- Animal Nutrition

In this lesson, students will begin to learn about the complex digestive systems of animals. Students will have the opportunity to explore the unique differences in animal digestive systems and how the digestive systems relate to the diet of the animal.

Unit 6 -- Animal Reproduction

The exploration of the male and female reproductive systems will provide students a foundation on which to build an understanding of livestock reproduction in order to optimize profitability of a livestock operation. By the conclusion of the lesson, students will begin to understand the function of the reproductive organs of the female and male.

Unit 7 -- Genetics

This lesson expands on knowledge learned regarding reproductive anatomical parts and function, breeding systems for animal production, and the stages of reproduction in animals presented in Unit 6 Animal Reproduction.



Unit 8 -- Animal Health

In order to begin to make connections between animal health and human health, students will simulate the transmission of a contagious disease, observe bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, and research the role of governmental regulatory agencies in protecting public health.

Unit 9 -- Animal Products,
Selection, and Marketing

This lesson will encourage students to explore and understand the types of products consumers receive from animals, the methods used to provide consumers a consistent product, and how processing improves lower quality goods and adds value to them


Unit/Lessons & Performance Objectives Activities

Lesson 1.1 Animal Planet

Develop and keep an Agriscience Notebook to record and store information presented in classroom discussions and activities throughout the course.
Develop and present to the class a presentation about an animal industry and related careers.
Document and record animal industries and career opportunities shared during student presentations.
Determine and analyze their usage of various animal products over the course of one day.
Develop a list of animal products commonly used based on previous investigations.

quizlet of vocabulary 1.1

Lesson 1.1 crossword

notes lesson 1.1

Quia Quiz of understanding 1.1

Lesson 2.1 Taming Animals

Conduct behavioral and historical research on a variety of animals.
Compare domestic and wild animals using the characteristics of domestication.
Examine the development and domestication of a common animal over time.
Design a timeline recording the history of an animal.
Present to the class historical data collected regarding a selected animal specie

Lesson 2.2 Naming Animals

Classify objects based on their physical characteristics.
Apply the hierarchical organizational system to a food group.
Determine the classification of the animal in their Producer’s Management Guide.
Design a dichotomous key for five breeds of an animal species.


quizlet of vocabulary 2.1

Lesson 2.1 crossword

notes lesson 2.1 -- domestication

Quia Quiz of understanding 2.1

quizlet of vocabulary 2.2

Lesson 2.2 crossword

notes lesson 2.2 scientific classification and
notes 2.2 breed recognition

Quia Quiz of understanding 2.2

Lesson 3.1 Animal Rights or Animal Wrongs?

Discuss the differences in the interpretation of the meaning of the word value.
Assess their personal values to determine their beliefs pertaining to animal use.
Recognize issues in animal agriculture and discuss the positive and negative impacts of each issue.
Analyze animal rights and animal welfare videos to determine the message and intent of each video.
Develop a Producer’s Code of Care document for the humane use of a species of animal under their care.
Determine their current opinions towards the beliefs of animal rightists and animal welfarists.

Lesson 3.2 Manipulating Manners

Investigate the behavior of pillbugs in response to stimuli.
Conduct an inquiry lab on the behaviors of pillbugs.
Research and determine the typical behaviors of a species of animal and become familiar with the safe handling procedures of that animal.
Write a brief with annotated references that may be used as a preparatory guide for farm tours and field trips pertaining to animal behavior and safety.

Lesson 3.3 Home Sweet Home

Research the basic feed, water, and shelter requirements for animals.
Determine the average environmental conditions of the students’ location.
Calculate proportions, scale ratios, and dimensions of building plans.
Select a type of animal facility that provides for the safe handling and efficient production of animals.
Design and construct a model animal facility.
Practice safe laboratory procedures.
Conduct experiments to determine the risk levels related to spreading pathogens in a farm scenario.
Observe and record growth of cultures.

quizlet of vocabulary 3.1

lesson 3.1 crossword

notes lesson 3.1 welfare

notes lesson 3.1 Animal Issues

notes Guidelines for Using Animals in Education notes

Quia Quiz of understanding 3.1

quizlet of vocabulary 3.2

lesson 3.2 crossword

notes lesson 3.2 animal behavior

Quia Quiz of understanding 3.2

quizlet of vocabulary 3.3

lesson 3.3 crossword

notes Lesson 3.3 Biosecurity notes

notes lesson 3.3 Creature Comforts notes

notes lesson 3.3 Animal Facilities

Quia Quiz of understanding 3.3


Lesson 4.1 Units of Life

Identify and label animal cell organelles.
Develop a pictorial representation of cell function.
Collect and analyze data to provide evidence of cell metabolism.
Conduct an experiment to simulate the osmosis process of animal cells.

Lesson 4.2 Putting the Puzzle Together

Identify common external animal parts and explain the purpose of each.
Identify unique external parts specific for livestock and explain the purpose of each part.
Dissect a chicken wing and identify epithelial and connective tissues.
Examine two different types of muscle tissue and describe the differences.
Dissect a fetal pig and identify internal parts and organs that comprise systems.

Lesson 4.3 Breathing and Beating

Identify and explain the function of the parts of the respiratory and circulatory systems.
Describe the process of gas exchange in external respiration.
Determine the presence of carbon dioxide in exhaled air.
Design a travel brochure that highlights the flow of blood throughout the body.
Conduct an inquiry on the affects of external conditions on respiration rate, pulse, and blood pressure.

Lesson 4.4 Body Control Centers

Study the relationships of the nervous, endocrine, renal, and urinary systems.
Determine and use a concept map to demonstrate the connection of the systems studied to the respiratory and circulatory systems.
Map the functions of body systems, specifically the nervous, endocrine, and renal systems.

quizlet of vocabulary 4.1

lesson 4.1 crossword

notes lesson 4.1 cell respiration

notes lesson 4.1 feeding cells

Quia Quiz of understanding 4.1

quizlet of vocabulary 4.2

lesson 4.2 crossword

notes lesson 4.2 tissues

Quia Quiz of understanding 4.2

quizlet of vocabulary 4.3

lesson 4.3 crossword

notes lesson 4.3 respiratory & circulatory

notes lesson 4.3 physiology of respiration

Quia Quiz of understanding 4.3

quizlet of vocabulary 4.4

lesson 4.4 crossword

notes lesson 4.4 nerves, hormones and kidney

Quia Quiz of understanding 4.4

Lesson 5.1 Digestion Junction

Define the terminology commonly used in digestive anatomy.
Label, identify, and explain the function of various parts of animal digestive systems.
Match livestock species with the proper digestive system.
Build a model of a digestive system.

Lesson 5.2 The Need for Feed

Identify the six classes of nutrients, the function they serve in the body, and sources of each nutrient.
Research and record the nutritional needs of an animal using Nutritional Requirement tables.
Evaluate nutrient requirements of various animals at different stages of production.

Lesson 5.3 Feedstuffs

Conduct an inquiry experiment to determine the energy in feedstuffs.
Categorize feedstuffs into the nutrient group each feedstuff provides.
Classify feedstuffs as roughages, concentrates, and supplements.
Identify and define feed analysis terms.
Read a feed label and interpret the information included on the label.
Compare the information on a feed label to the information found on a food label.

Lesson 5.4 Nutritional Disorders

Research the nutritional disorders of a species of animal.
Create a PowerPoint® presentation outlining nutritional disorders of a species of animal.
Present as a team their findings of the disorders to the class.

Lesson 5.5 What's for Dinner?

Describe the characteristics of a good ration.
List the steps in balancing a ration.
Complete conversions of feedstuffs from a dry-matter basis to an as-fed basis.
Use the Pearson Square to balance a ration using two feedstuffs.
Formulate a ration and create a recipe using the Pearson Square.
Create a balanced ration for livestock by hand and by using a computer-based ration-balancing program.

quizlet of vocabulary 5.1

lesson 5.1 crossword

Quia Quiz of understanding 5.1

Battleship 5.1

quizlet of vocabulary 5.2

lesson 5.2 crossword

Quia Quiz of understanding 5.2

quizlet of vocabulary 5.3

lesson 5.3 crossword

notes lesson 5.3 Feedstuffs

notes lesson 5.3 Reading Labels

Quia Quiz of understanding 5.3

quizlet of vocabulary 5.4

lesson 5.4 crossword

notes lesson 5.4 Nutritional Disorders

Quia Quiz of understanding 5.4

quizlet of vocabulary 5.5

lesson 5.5 crossword

Quia Quiz of understanding 5.5

Lesson 6.1 Mom, Where Do Calves Come From?

Identify and label the parts of the male and female reproductive tract.
Describe the function of each part of the male and female reproductive tract.
Observe a dissection of the male reproductive tract and identify the parts within the tract.
Draw a flow chart to show the process of sperm maturation.
Dissect a female reproductive tract and identify parts within the tract.
Observe and compare the reproductive tracts of cows, sows, and ewes.
Describe the path of an egg from the ovary to birth.

Lesson 6.2 Generating Generations

Distinguish between the different livestock breeding systems.
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of breeding methods.
Prepare slides using a variety of buffers and stains.
Evaluate semen samples for sperm motility, morphology, and concentration.

Lesson 6.3 The Pathway to Production

Identify the main hormones of the estrous cycle.
Research and record reproductive facts regarding the species of animal indentified in the PMG
Determine the best time to breed a horse and manage the breeding season.

Quizlet of vocabulary 6.1

lesson 6.1 crossword

Quia Quiz of understanding 6.1

Quizlet of vocabulary 6.2

lesson 6.2 crossword

Notes lesson 6.2 Livestock Breeding Systems

Quia Quiz of understanding 6.2

Quizlet of vocabulary 6.3

lesson 6.3 crossword

Notes lesson 6.3 Stages of Reproduction

Quia Quiz of understanding 6.3

Lesson 7.1 A New Pair of Genes

Prepare a slide to be viewed under a microscope for the purpose of examining mitosis in plant tissue.
Examine a prepared slide of animal mitosis and make observations of the stages of mitosis.
Compare the different stages of mitosis between plant and animal cells.
Perform computer simulations related to genetic heritance in order to learn about the
role genetics plays in animal production.
Conduct a probability trial to test predictions.

Lesson 7.2 Predicting Genetic Inheritance

Use Punnett Squares to predict the probability of genetic frequencies.
Complete a Punnett Square with a dihybrid cross.
Calculate a contemporary group ratio.
Compare animals based on their expected progeny differences (EPDs).
Use EPDs in mating decisions.
Trace genetic inheritance through a pedigree.

quizlet of vocabulary 7.1

notes lesson 7.1 In the Beginning

notes lesson 7.1 Genetic fundamentals

Quia Quiz of understanding 7.1

quizlet of vocabulary 7.2

notes lesson 7.2 Heritability

notes lesson 7.2 EPD's

notes lesson 7.2 Pedigrees

Quia Quiz of understanding 7.2

Lesson 8.1 Popular Pathogens

Define the differences of infectious, contagious, and non-infectious diseases.
Simulate the spread of a contagious disease and trace the route the disease takes through a population.
Identify and sketch bacteria, mold, and protozoa from prepared slides.

Lesson 8.2 Diseased

Research and record the vital signs of an animal.
Determine their personal vital signs.
Compare the vital signs of an animal to a person.
Research and record key facts and symptoms of two animal-related diseases.
Use a template to create Diagnosing Disease cards to be used in a project and in the PGM.

Lesson 8.3 Bugged

Identify and diagram the life cycle of a common parasite.
Classify parasites according to their phylum and site of infestation on the body.
Prepare slides and observe to determine the presence of parasite eggs

Lesson 8.4 Pathogens Prevented

Demonstrate the proper procedures for filling a syringe for the purpose of giving shots.
Administer intramuscular and subcutaneous shots.
Research diseases and parasites of their animals and the preventative controls of the diseases and parasites.
Develop a preventative care plan for their animal.
Design a pamphlet for producers to use.

quizlet of vocabulary 8.1

notes lesson 8.1what is a disease

notes lesson 81. infectious diseases

Quia Quiz of understanding 8.1

quizlet of vocabulary 8.2

Quia Quiz of understanding 8.2

notes lesson 8.2 signs of health

quizlet of vocabulary 8.3

notes lesson 8.3 parasites

Quia Quiz of understanding 8.3

quizlet of vocabulary 8.4

notes lesson 8.4 disease prevention

Quia Quiz of understanding 8.4

Lesson 9.1 The Products of Our Toil

Research an animal product and develop a presentation on that animal product.
Work as a team to prepare and present a class lecture.
Conduct sensory evaluation trials on meat samples and evaluate the samples.
Taste milk samples and determine the defects, if present.
Identify samples of cheese based on appearance and taste.
Grade eggs based on their interior qualities using the candling and breakout methods.

Lesson 9.2 In Search of the Ideal Animal

Make decisions based on given priorities and criteria, and analyze objects as they compare ideal criteria.
Research and identify the priorities for evaluating an animal most commonly used in that animal industry.
Write, illustrate, and publish a children’s storybook on how to select an animal.
Determine and recommend most appropriate sires using Expected Progeny Differences.

Lesson 9.3 Value Added

Compare similar products based on their features, pricing, distribution, and promotion.
Determine a target market and potential products based on the local community.
Develop a plan to market a product from their project for the Producer’s Management Guide.
Work on a team to determine a market for a product in an appropriate local marketplace.

quizlet of vocabulary 9.1

Quia Quiz of understanding 9.1

quizlet of vocabulary 9.2

notes lesson 9.2 animal confirmation

Quia Quiz of understanding 9.2

quizlet of vocabulary 9.3

notes lesson 9.3 marketing

Quia Quiz of understanding 9.3